Price: $89.99
(as of May 29, 2023 02:13:21 UTC – Details)
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Prepare for a Career in TEXTILES with Confidence!
Sara Kadolph’s Textiles provides students with a comprehensive, basic knowledge of textiles. This beautiful book, filled with full-color photos and illustrations, examines the interrelationships among fibers, yarns, fabrics, and finishes and discusses how they impact product performance. Organized according to the textile production process, the text gives students a solid understanding of textile components and how they work together. New activities and case studies bring the text to life and facilitate group activities. A timeless resource for any professional in the industry, the Twelfth Edition has been updated to discuss sustainability, technological advances, and new career opportunities in the textile industry.
Publisher : Pearson; 12th edition (July 7 2016)
Language : English
File size : 84930 KB
Simultaneous device usage : Up to 2 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
Text-to-Speech : Not enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Not Enabled
X-Ray : Not Enabled
Word Wise : Not Enabled
Sticky notes : Not Enabled
Print length : 640 pages